Global Leadership Activities – Post-Program

Activity 5: Social Action Challenge

How It Works

Now that you have an understanding of what it means to be a global leader, and hopefully you feel a responsibility to make a positive impact in your local community, it is time for you to take action. We encourage you to make a change or get involved in a way that will contribute to your community and start you on your path towards being a responsible global leader.

This action can be on a small or large scale; the important thing is that you take the initiative and build upon your experience abroad. In this activity you will brainstorm and plan your Social Action Challenge to make an impact in your community.

How You Do It

  • Here are some examples to consider if you are having difficulty brainstorming your own challenge.
    • Sign or start a petition for a cause you care about
    • Collect and donate canned goods for a local shelter
    • Plant a sustainable garden
    • Start a blog about cultural perspectives
    • Volunteer at a local senior home, soup kitchen, or language center
    • Sign up to read to young children
  • Work together with fellow travelers or family members to plan and execute your social action challenge. The more, the merrier!

Take Away Points

  • As you hopefully have learned and discussed throughout the program, it is important to do research before going out and trying to simply “help” a community, even if it is in your own back yard. Do some digging and find out about the real needs in the community that align with your interests and skills.
  • Remember, the Social Action Challenge does not have to be a one-time activity or event. It can be an ongoing activity that will continue to make an impact in your local community and beyond!


