Global Leadership Activities – Post-Program

Activity 3: Telling the Story

How It Works

This activity will walk you through reflection on your experience abroad, and asks you to think about how you will articulate and demonstrate those experiences to a potential college or employer.

How You Do It

  • Look at each of the characteristics listed on the left-hand side of the sheet and read the corresponding descriptions of how these might appear as a valuable skill or ability for the future.
  • Next, write down a short story or statement – two or three sentences – that demonstrates a specific skill you gained or event you experienced during your trip related to each characteristic.

Take Away Points

  • This exercise is a great way to practice talking about your experience abroad without using cliche or over-simplistic words like “fun, amazing, cool, great, hard, and life-changing.”
  • It will be important to have specific examples that demonstrate concrete skills and experiences, so people can really understand how the experience has impacted you and made you a better global leader.
  • Explaining your new skills and powerful experiences through stories in college applications or interviews with potential employers is a great way to stand out and make people remember you!


