2025 North Costa Rica Service Adventure

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Last Day

We got to sleep in this morning, arriving to breakfast at 8:00 am, before Robinson helped us load the bus with our suitcases and bags, and we headed out once again. At exactly 10:30, we arrived at Jaco beach and spent about 45 minutes walking along the shore, wading into the water, or simply sitting at the stone tables where the concrete met the sand, taking all of it in. The air was thick and sticky with humidity, but the overcast sky provided a marginal amount of relief to our various sun burns and depleted sunscreen bottles. 

When everyone was done beach combing the gray sand, and had toweled themselves off, we boarded the bus and drove to El Jardín where we spent time wandering the seemingly endless aisles of t-shirts, magnets, and bracelets. Right next door to the shop was a restaurant where we enjoyed a buffet style lunch before returning once again to our trusty automobile. 

We drove for almost an hour, back to the place where our trip started: the hotel Casa Cielo Grande. Waking up the long driveway with all of our bags in tow, it seemed that we had come full circle. This time though, we weren’t quite as exhausted, it wasn’t pitch black, and uncertainty didn’t sit in the pit of our stomachs at what the road ahead might hold. We had traveled that road, lived with host families, dug holes and hauled logs. We’d gotten the sunburns, the mosquito bites, conjugated the Spanish verbs. These experiences were a part of us now-are a part of us. 

We had some time before dinner to settle into our rooms, walk down to the corner store, and enjoy each other’s company in the hotel’s pool and gazebo. 

Dinner was a festive event, and as we enjoyed Shepherd’s Pie and salad, we went around and shared our “Six Word Stories” which could be a memory, piece of advice, or comment about the trip, as long as it was six words long. 

After dinner, we were given pens and paper, and got to write letters to our future selves, to be mailed in 3 years. The letters didn’t have strict instructions, we were just advised to write about our experiences, what we learned, and how we felt that we had grown over the course of the trip. The activity brought a lot of finality to the trip, but for many, it also brought a lot of closure. This adventure may be coming to an end, but this doesn’t have to be a tearful goodbye, it can be a time of reflection and a bittersweet “see you later. pura vida.” 

Slowly, people finished their letters, and broke into smaller groups to chat as the night wound down. Curfew hit shortly after, and we all headed back to our rooms to prepare for the long journey home. 

Day 14

On our 14th day in Costa Rica we woke up early to go white water rafting on the Savegre river.  After a bus ride in the morning through a grove of palm trees we found ourselves bumping down a rocky and winding road down to the river. We were met by our guides for the day who went over instructions of how to use the paddles and commands on the boat. The river itself was very calm and peaceful, only having rapids that ranged from class 2 to 3. Our guides encouraged us to get out of the boats and swim around when it was safe and even start some splashing wars from the boats. After an hour of some paddling and fast rapids we stopped on a bank to visit a nearby waterfall. The waterfall was mighty, even for being on the smaller side. Getting back in our boats we continued down the river. The river was surrounded by fincas and pueblos tucked into the lush landscape. Another hour or so passed and we made it back to the bank and went to lunch. 

After lunch we spent some time at the hotel’s pool and later went down to a small beach. The water there was warm and blue, covered with small rocks and shells. 

Returning to the hotel we had dinner and celebrated the birthday of our driver Robinson who has been with us since we left San Salvador. 

We fell asleep to the sounds of rain and distant lightning. 

Day 13

Written by Davis

On the 13th day of the group’s Costa Rican adventure, we all woke up around 6:30am to have a quick breakfast at our hotel in Uvita before departing on our hour long bus ride to Manuel Antonio. I know an hour on a crowded bus must not sound super appealing, but before any preconceived notions are made, our bus rides are far off from the usual boring, stuffy, and uncomfortable rides. We make sure to keep the vibe equivalent to that of a concert with non-stop tunes so groovy that not even the temptation of a nap could keep heads from bobbing.

When we arrived, the group was treated to a tour of Manuel Antonio National Park (one of the most incredible parks in the country) where we got to see and learn about some of the parks most notorious habitants. The wildlife and the scenery of the jungle tour made it an amazing experience for everyone that won’t be forgotten. At the end of the tour, the group got to spend an hour or two swimming and relaxing at a beautiful beach on the edge of the park before we all departed for lunch. After lunch, the group got to spend a few hours resting at the hotel where some chose to sleep and some chose to enjoy the hotel pool. That night for dinner, the group got to eat at a beach side restaurant with beautiful views of the ocean and very good food. When we returned to the hotel, we went right to sleep around 9:30 or 10pm.

Day 10

Written by Nick

This morning the group stumbled out of bed for a 6:30 breakfast. We groggily sipped coffee and juice while mentally preparing for the day ahead. After a short bus ride and a quick break to look at sloths, we arrived at a beautiful river no more than 500 meters from the ocean. Using paddle boards and kayaks we floated down the scenic river watching the animals and nature with awe. After about 2 hours on the river the group rejuvenated with an assortment of fresh fruit and hopped back onto the bus. In the afternoon, we split into groups and enjoyed relaxing on the beach, surfing, playing in a waterfall, and resting at the hotel. Our amazing day was brought to a close with a much needed taste of home at Santa-Burguesa where we enjoyed burgers and milkshakes. 

Day 9

Written by Miranda

Today we ate our last breakfast with our host families and packed up for the next part of our adventure. We had a very teary and bittersweet goodbye before we headed on the road to the beach, Uvita. Once we arrived at the beach, we swam for about an hour before heading to lunch. We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, which was amazing. After, we headed back to the beach for our surfing lessons. We spent the next two hours surfing in the warm ocean water. Although surfing was a struggle and we all fell multiple times, we all had so much fun! For the rest of the day we checked into the hotel, had dinner at the hotel restaurant, and spent time in the pool at the hotel. Before heading to bed we hung out in the common space, relaxed, and got ready for a good night of rest.

Day 8

Written by Finley

Today we woke up with the knowledge that today was the last full day with our families here in San Salvador. There wasn’t a schedule for today, which was nice, as we could choose what we wanted to do with our families and friends. My family woke up at 4am to go watch the sunrise, which was so special. Everyone took the day at their own pace, wandering down to the store, playing at the plaza, and spending some final time with family. Many people attended church with their families in the afternoon, an experience that was a beautiful opportunity.  Right after mass, the farewell party began. Families descended from church to the plaza, where young kids were already playing soccer and food was being prepared. We ate together as a huge community of host families and children, as members of our group took turns saying how grateful they were for this past week. Another game of soccer ensued after dinner, leaving everyone just as tired as they were the night before. Families went home as the game calmed down, and now we are all going to bed for the last time in this beautiful community.

Day 7

Written by Joaquin

Today was our third full day of service working to improve the infrastructure of the plaza y salon de san Salvador Costa Rica. Passersby could enjoy a view of small teams of our shockingly pale by comparison compañeros hauling logs to clear the football field. And working to fill a large drainage trench for wastewater. Just a short walk up the road to the school another group was hard at work on a similar project constructing what is to be the foundation of another wastewater tank. Today we also had the pleasure of being invited to watch the F.E.A. (Festival Estudiante De Los Artes) at the local school. An beautiful art festival that completely contradicts the acronym. The festivities included students performing traditional Costa Rican dances, as well as singing and showcasing their writing and art. It was a festive event, and much of the community attended.

By the end of the workday, our goup members went their separate ways, some to relax in the common areas of the town, but many back to their host homes to take the ultimate pleasure of watching the greyish brown mixture of sweat, sunscreen, dirt, and concrete mix flow down the shower drain. The day ended with home cooked meals, followed by a “Partido” or football match at the plaza. In teams of eleven, gringos vs townsfolk faced off against each other in fierce but friendly competition. The event ended in a 2-2 draw, with whitch all were satisfied. As the sweat drenched players shook hands, as if out of a desert Oasis mirage appeared our guide Diego armed with pizzas enough to feed both teams. As the slices disappeared, slowly so did we, off to what turned out to be a quite needed deep nights sleep.

Day 6

Written by Mia

Today we started work right away in the morning. We had plenty to do! We continued work on the project we had been doing before: clearing fallen trees off the soccer field and filling trenches with rocks as a natural filter for the bathrooms at the community center. We also started a brand new project, digging two trenches to filter the bathrooms at the school in the community. Breaking ground was difficult, but we were able to work together and make significant progress. I was in the first group that worked on that project, so we knew that all the depth in the trenches was from our work. It was really exciting to be able to clearly see the result of our work! We paused for delicious lunches provided by our host families and then continued the work for a bit longer in the afternoon. After the work day ended, we played a casual game of soccer with some of the locals, and then headed home to spend time with our host families and eat dinner. We went to bed tired but satisfied from a day of hard work.

Day 5

Written by Adam

We all woke up in a new bed today. The homestay houses are extremely cozy especially when they protect you from all the rain and thunder that occurred the night before. My homestay parents prepared an amazing breakfast of fresh rice, eggs, chicken, and a unique drink of oat meal mixed with water. We then got ready for our day and headed on over to the plaza to regroup with the other program students and talk about our homestay experience so far. After that, we started our first work load of the week. Some of the jobs consisted of: hauling trees cut down across the field, digging holes in the ground for a sewage system, and removing large objects in the way of the communities new construction project (expanding the plaza). After a hard working day, we all participated in a dance class and learned some cool dance moves. Finally, after the class, we were able to go chill out for a little bit and then eat dinner with our homestay families.

Day 4

Written by Malina

Today, we left Pura Suerte and made our way to the city of Pérez Zeledón. Here, we visited a market and were able to buy some gifts for our host families, such as flowers. We got the opportunity to speak to more locals, and navigate around the space with more independence. After lunch in the market, we made our way to the town of San Salvador to meet our host families. There was a small ceremony in which we were introduced to the families, and then we were off! Now, we are all staying with our host families that we’ll be with for the rest of the week. This first day with them has been super fun and exciting for me – although there were nerves, these quickly went away when I realized how welcoming everyone was. We had our first dinner with the family, and got to know them much better. Now, we are ready to rest and prepare for our first day of our service project.

Day 3

Written by Ripley

Today we packed our bags for a day of swimming, and after breakfast, loaded onto the bus and drove to Nauyaca Waterfall, where we did a very short hike down to the base of the waterfall. We swam in a current-filled area, and took turns trying to fight the spray and swim our way under the curtain of water. After eating a delicious sack lunch and trying to dry off in the sun, we started our hike back to the bus. On the way there, we pit stopped at another level of the waterfall where we got to stand under the full force of the spray. We shared to tractor ride back with a couple who some in the group realized to be TikTok famous Salah and Theo. We met them, and then enjoyed ice cream from a corner store before loading onto the bus and driving to la Finca Sueños de Vida, which is an organic coffee and cacao farm. We got to take an educational tour of the farm, and all of the many things grown besides coffee. We especially enjoyed petting baby chicks and guinea pigs, and milking the mother cow. We returned to the outdoor kitchen and learned to make coffee and hot chocolate, as well as empanadas using cheese from the cow. We finished the day walking back to the dining hall and falling asleep to the sound of pounding warm rain on the roof.

Day 2: Pura Suerte

Written by Finn

On the second day, we woke up pretty early in order to have time to drive to Pura Suerte, an eco-farm that would be our home for the next 2 nights. We spend most of the day on a bus, stopping to observe local wildlife like birds and crocodiles and get lunch. When we reached Pura Suerte, we chose our beds and sprayed a (most likely unhealthy) amount of bug spray on a grasshopper we found in our room.

Day 1: Flights

Written by Finn

Today, we got up very early to go to the airport and most likely annoyed a whole lot of parents that had to drive us. When we got to the airport, we went through the ticketing and security without too many hitches and went to our gate. The 2 flights that got us to San Jose were uneventful, and after collecting our luggage and meeting our  program coordinators, we took a bus to the hotel. At the hotel, we got served some very good burritos with chips and headed to sleep, with some of us taking a dip in the pool in-between.
