2024 Weston Italy Cultural Journey

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Blog 6

This morning, we ate a delicious breakfast at the hotel. We departed and sat in the beautiful Roman sun to write letters to our future selves and reflect upon our endeavors this visit. Next, we boarded the Metro and headed to Vatican City, where we explored the square during our free time. Then, we began a captivating walking tour within the decadent Vatican Museum. We saw some incredible works, including those crafted by Raphael, like the opulent School of Athens. Finally, as we perused the gorgeous Sistine Chapel, we observed Michelangelo’s masterful handy work. After these undertakings, we set out from Vatican City and strolled through the streets of Rome. We ate a delicious lunch filled with options like pizza and pasta, and visited St. Peter’s Square, viewing the incredible sites. After these enterprises, we enjoyed walking through the city, where we had some free time to shop and explore. As the day came to a close, we journeyed through Rome to eat dinner, which included more deluxe Italian cuisine.

Blog 5

We had to catch a train to Naples.

The train left at around 10 so we had to wake up early to get breakfast before we headed to the train station. The train ride took around an hour and a half with beautiful views including mount Vesuvius. When we arrived in Naples, we ate naples’ famous pizza at a restaurant called Lagarre. They served margarita, pepperoni, and mushroom pizza which all stood up to the reputation of the restaurant. After lunch, we went on a walking tour of the ruins of Pompeii. The ruins were really cool because they were so well preserved due to the nature of how the town collapsed. We learned that the people of Pompeii installed big stones in the middle of the road for crossing because the streets were often dirty and flooded. We also saw the baths which contained the caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium. After the tour, we were given some free time where we went to the gift shop. Proceeding that we took the bus ride back to the hotel, stopping for a delicious dinner at a rest station where we had sandwiches and pizza.

Blog 4

After over 20,000 steps of walking, we viewed many insightful historical sights. This included the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Church of Gesù, Circus Maximus, and the Roman Forum. When we arrived to the ancient stones of the Colosseum we were awestruck that something we saw (in pictures) and studied for years in Latin class was finally right before our eyes. Throughout the tour we learned incredible facts about the Romans and the Colosseum. Specifically, how the Romans built columns to withstand earthquakes, and the arena where gladiators as well as wild animals fought (as entertainment). Next to the Colosseum was the grand Arch of Constantine where we analysed the carvings on the arch that displayed his wishes and accomplishments. Constantine (an important figure we learned about in class), built this arch on top of another arch after winning a great war. Additionally, the Church of Gesù had an inconspicuous look from the outside. However, the moment we entered the buildings our jaws dropped. The vast expanse of the church was impressive, but the detailed, gorgeous paintings, (surrounding the walls and ceiling) and golden sculptures had this historical sight as a particularly memorable one. On the way to the Colosseum we also passed the Circus Maximus. We definitely were surprised by how enormous it was, and imagined the bloody chariots that would have raced through these grounds 2000 years ago. Lastly, the Roman Forum holds a special place in our hearts. Out of every historical sight we visited, the Roman Forum was the one we talked about most often. Seeing the shop, ruins, temples (like the Temple of Vesta), and Roman statues in person was surreal. As for food, we enjoyed delicious pasta, and chicken while we bonded with new and old friends.

Blog 3

Today we left the city of Florence and took a high speed train to Rome. The train ride was beautiful, and kids played cards, read and slept. Weston got to Rome and walked to the hotel with our bags and checked into our rooms. Once we got all our stuff together in our rooms, we walked to a nearby sandwich restaurant and ate them outside.

Once we finished our sandwiches, we walked to a park and saw our first view of the Colosseum! We took pictures and did flips (the people who could do flips, the rest of us took photos). After seeing the Colosseum, we stopped at a Gelateria and everyone chose what delicious flavors they wanted to get. When we finished, we walked to a square near the Roman forum and started a walking tour of the city. We saw and took pictures of the Trevi fountain, Pantheon, Trajan’s column, and lots of beautiful squares.

When we finished the tour, we had an hour to walk around a large square and shop for souvenirs. Everyone had a lot of fun. After we bought souvenirs, we walked to a restaurant for dinner. There were some intense card games played, and we ate some delicious raviolis and pudding for dessert.

Finally, we ended our day with climbing the Spanish steps. We took lots of pictures and had a lot of fun. We then walked the 40 minute walk back to our hotel. We walked 10 miles today!

By Nia M. and Aimi L.

Blog 2

Today was an incredible day of exploring, fun, and enjoyment, a great way to finish our trip in Florence. After starting the day with a hearty breakfast, we set out for the town Fiesole on the outskirts of Florence, a town with an incredibly rich history, which we experienced first hand. Walking in the city, we were given a cozy, yet historical vibe, from the clock tower to the center of town to the several churches dotted around. We first visited the Etruscan, Roman, and German ruins, seeing monuments such as the Roman Forum’s theater, baths, and crossroads. It was very interesting to learn about the development of people in the city, especially the different cultures that surrounded the people depending on the ruling empire. 

With the sun beating down on us, we climbed atop Fiesole’s main hill, on which we visited a monastery that is still functional today. We got the best view of Florence we’ve had so far, with the clear and sunny weather illuminating Florence’s cathedral, and other Renaissance and Gothic period monuments (which we had the chance to see yesterday).

After taking some fun photos, we drove to an olive oil farm. We took some time to enjoy farm-to-table food, all of which was both fresh and delicious, with dishes such as bruschetta and fresh pasta being crowd favorites.

Our tour of the olive farm itself, however, might have been the most eventful part of the day. After having a quick informational lecture about the farm’s thousands of olive trees, we were given a chance to roam the property, witnessing the beauty of the Italian countryside. With sprawling hills in the background, we saw a whole host off vegetation and creatures, from farm animals such as donkeys and cows, all the way to the more exotic ostriches and peacocks, which everyone in the group seemed fascinated by (We think the ostriches were more fascinated by us). People loved “Toby” the Jack Terrier, the owner’s dog who we named for his curious qualities and outstanding energy, especially while scaring off fish.

With everyone tired from a day of walking, we took a rest at an Italian restaurant for dinner. After the filling steak dinner, we went to a well-known local gelato shop, a small stand and a line trailing out of the door. The dessert itself was both creamy and delicious, ending many people’s days with an authentic Italian experience. 

Many students then chose to return to the hotel, while another group took it upon themselves to see the city from a truly amazing perspective. With a beautiful walk along the river, and a short climb up a hill, we suddenly had a breathtaking view of Florence at night. The lights of the cathedral and the Ponte Vecchio shimmered in the distance, and everyone was able to admire the city from afar, providing a unique level of perspective that showed off the grandeur and beauty of the city.

Our trip in Florence has been delightful, and with this day of enjoyment, we can only hope for a similar experience tomorrow, when we move on to Rome.

Blog 1

First, we had breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, we went to the Uffizi museum and explored – one of the highlights was seeing The Birth of Venus. Weston ate lunch at a huge market, and then went on a walking tour, where we learned about the Medici family’s influence on Florence. Last, before going back to the hotel to sleep, we had dinner, where we ate pasta, risotto, chocolate mousse, and tiramisu.

Written by Sasha

We made it!

More pictures and updates coming soon.
