2024 Washington Latin France Program

Program Blog

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Blog 4

Starting the day, we woke up from a restful night at our Metz homestays. Still nervous from staying with a new family, we were delightfully welcomed with breakfast by our host families. Whether it was a flaky croissant, pain au chocolat, or cereal, we were all welcomed into the start of a common day in Metz.  After breakfast, we raced to George De La Tour school, like we would rush to school in America. From our arrival, we were able to start the day going to a class of our choice, like the fellow students in Metz. I went to “S2S” which was essentially the French version of APHug, where you evaluate social and public health issues and mandates in our society. Though we were definitely tired, it was interesting to examine the structure and style of a French classroom.
From this, we started day 2 of our scavenger hunt and walking tour with our Metz correspondents. On this tour, we were able to see the city of Metz and even go into the Metz Cathedral, which was stunning. After this beautiful tour, we were given around an hour to get lunch with our host siblings. Although most restaurant and shop owners in Metz speak little English due to not being a tourist site, we were able to challenge ourselves and practice our French. After having so much fun getting to know our host siblings, the time had come and we had to make our way to the train station and say goodbye to our correspondents and new friends. When thinking back on this experience, I find it truly insane how close you can get to someone in such a short amount of time. After final photos and hugs, we awaited our 90 minute train ride back to Paris.
When we arrived at our new Paris hotel, we were given an hour of free time to get ready and “dress to impress” for our La Seine Dinner Cruise. This challenge was wilfully accepted and we all came down in our best attire for seemingly the best night of the trip (spoiler alert). We blissfully left our hotel and jumped onto the Metro, which is still confusing to me. After a few stops and people watching, we arrived at the La Seine Dinner Cruise, taking in the beautiful view we were about to witness while eating. From our table, we had a marvelous view of famous monuments like the Eiffel Tour, and le musee D’orsay. Dinner was composed of several delightful courses, with the famous “escargot” starting the night for those who dared to try them. After having enough courage to try the escargot, I can confidently say they are quiet delightful if you ignore the fact that you are eating a snail. After this we awaited our main course which could be either fish, steak, chicken, or salad (all of which were delicious). Then we got a cheese course which surprised many of us who aren’t used to the prevalence of cheese in French cuisine.
Shortly after, the boat severs allowed us to go up to the top of the boat and see the Eiffel Tower glittering and gleaming. So much appreciation rose upon me at this moment. I am so grateful to be on this trip not only to experience some of the greatest views in our world, but to experience them with my friends and teachers. Everything felt so light and as if nothing else mattered in this moment.
After passing the Eiffel Tower, many of us went down and it was time for the dessert course. When the servers first came out with the big sparkler candles on a chocolate cake, one of the last thoughts in my mind was “is this for me”. However, to my surprise, the Walking Tree leaders and my teacher were able to tell the servers at the Dinner Cruise how mine and 2 other classmates birthdays were coming up (mine is April 1st). This was the ultimate birthday surprise I think I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t change it any other way. Though I may not have chosen this exact group before the trip, I don’t see how the group could possibly be any better now. I am so lucky I was able to be surprised by Walking Tree and my teachers and that I could celebrate my birthday with my new friends. I can truly say after this trip, I love everyone who I was able to experience this with, and I have loved watching our connections grow. The night ended with us taking the metro back to our new Paris hotel and light off due to an early next morning.
– Summer

Blog 3

Today students went to the Musèe du louvre where they got view works from a multiplicity of centuries featuring different subject matters and mediums. Some of the Louvre’s most famous pieces are the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci and the “Winged Victory of Samothrace ” by Herman Thiersch. After this the students had lunch and then ventured off to the Eiffel Tower via public transportation, (it was their first time taking the bus!) At the Eiffel tower students had the choice to either take the steps to the top or to take the lift. Lastly, the day came to the end with an Italian dinner and laughter.

Blog 2

What a day! Students woke up early to catch a train to Versailles. Upon arrival we were split into two groups, one to the gardens the other toured the palace. Then we switched. I (Ella) was surprised by how expansive the gardens were. It felt like I could walk around for days.   Lunch was eaten at a cafe nearby; students had sandwiches and dessert. Unfortunately, it began to rain towards the end of our trip and some got caught. We headed to the Eiffel Tower via metro hoping to go up, but after just a few minutes there the rain and wind picked up. Just when things couldn’t get more exciting the hail started! Due to weather conditions the Eiffel Tower has been postponed for tomorrow. After a metro ride back to the hotel, students were given an allotted amount of money to go and eat dinner in the area to discover the local flavors. All returned back well by 9:30 just in time for card games in the hotel lounge.

Blog 1

Hi all! I’m Sanu (Senior, AP French) and I’ll be your first blog writer for the trip. Each day we’ll have someone new writing the blog and taking photos. Summer (Junior, French IV/V) is our first photographer for the trip, so thank her for all of the photos! Yesterday (and some of the day before) we flew on Turkish air to Istanbul and then Paris. Most of us found it hard to sleep on both flights despite the complementary pillows and blankets, but the included movies and games helped us fill in the time. One of us walked into a prayer room in the Turkish airport on accident and our currency exchange took quite a while, but we all arrived safe, sound, and together. After we exchanged our currency, we went to our first hotel to find our rooms and drop off our luggage. Then, we went to dinner where most of us got braised beef with chocolate cake for dessert. The beef was super tender, and the cake had a delicious vanilla cream (or something similar) to boot! We then went back to the hotel and got some good sleep before our busy next day. After breakfast, we left for the Musée D’Orsay to take in some of the classics of french art from painters like Monet, Van Goch, Rodin, and more. I even managed to find a piece from one of my favorite painters, Narcisse de la Peña, and we all gathered at a statue of liberty before we walked over to the Jardins (gardens) de Luxembourg. There, we raced to search for another statue of liberty, and Ella and Cali found it lightning fast. Our next destination was the Panthéon, but we stopped for lunch and a drink at a boulangerie and a supermarché respectively. We all ordered in French to get the true grenache experience and we ate on some benches outside of the Panthéon. After our déjeuner, we went inside and saw statues dedicated to French revolutionaries from writers to generals. The crypt beneath held tombs for those who earned a spot by contributing in some way to France or the revolution, and a few of us bought some souvenirs in the gift shop. Before our final stop of the day, we stopped by Pierre Hermé and chez le glacier (ice cream store) for some sweets before setting out for the Arc de Triomphe. The view was great, we could see the Eiffel Tower quite clearly and we took a bunch of fun photos with each other to finish our sightseeing for the day. A few of us went to the gift shop and bought a few souvenirs, but not just for us! Not to get your hopes up, but some of us had you all in our hearts despite the distance and time zones! Finally, we ate across from our hotel and had a blast taking a second to be with each other rather than being at some famous landmark. Just a bit ago we returned to the hotel to rest our tired bodies and aching feet to prepare for tomorrow. We had a full day and we’ll have another a full day tomorrow, but we’ll be sure to update you all when we have the chance! Thank you to all for trusting in us, Latin, and Walking Tree Travel to make this all possible; we really wouldn’t be here without you!! À demain, chèr parents — Sanu

We have arrived!

The group has arrived safely in Paris. More updates and pictures coming soon!
