2024 SMA Costa Rica Service Learning Program

Program Blog

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Blog 5

Today we went and finished painting and said our final good byes to the kids. We boarded the bus and headed to the beach. When we arrived, we bought snacks, drinks and ice cream, then put on our sun screen and bathing suits to finally hop into the water. Some of us body surged in the warm waters, others splashed around and few stayed on the sand to make drip towers or “trees”. After a beautiful sunset, we headed to the hotel and settled in. Showers then dinner and celebrating Cristian’s birthday!

Blog 4

Today we continued our service at the school. I got to paint the poles at the entrance and the poles on the outside deck of the school! During this I got to learn a lot more about my friends than I previously had. It was nice to get know them better without having technology around. After a break and lunch.m (which was delicious!!) we started setting up for the party we were going to have with the students. We put up balloons, streamers, and we even made a legacy to leave behind. We drew a tree and all put and signed our handprints, and signed our school name. It was nice that we got to leave sometime behind for future generations. Then we had the party!! We played lots of fun games like musical chairs, spoon race, and Oreo game!! I had so much fun playing with the kids and getting to know them!! One mother even let me hold her baby who was the most adorable baby’s I have ever seen!!! We had cake and I played basketball with the kids the rest of the time. It was such an amazing day!
Sadly this was our last day of service. I wish we could do more. All the kids are so cute and sweet and I want to do more for them. The service I did made me realize even more that I want to help people as my future. I want to be able to have a job where I can help make peoples lives easier. I love doing hard work if it’s for the benefit of others. It motivates me and makes me feel happy that I will be able to even give a little bit of something sweet to someone’s life.

Blog 3

Today was our first day of service work! After breakfast we headed to the school where we met the kids and got to work! We repainted the desks and chairs and also cleaned and painted the walkway. We talked with the kids and families and had a delicious lunch. After lunch we did more work and then went to a farm. We made empanadas, milked cows, held bunnies and chickens and learned about the plants. After that we returned to the hotel for dinner and went to bed!

Blog 2

We started off the morning with a delicious breakfast of pancakes, fresh fruit, and granola. We then headed off to hike to the Nauyaca Waterfall where we spent a few hours relaxing in the waterfall and eating lunch. After the hike, with sweat dripping all over us, we went to a local ice cream shop, where some of us bought water to cool off, and the others got some delicious Costa Rican ice cream. When we returned to our hotel most of us spent the afternoon at the pool relaxing and we even tried to watch the sunset (but there were too many clouds.) We ended the night with a delicious dinner of rice and soup and went off to sleep!

Blog 1

This morning we woke up bright and early at 7 to get ready for breakfast. We enjoyed a Costa Rican breakfast and then began our journey to Finca bella vida. It was a long 4 hour drive but we had fun stops along the way. Our first stop was at the store where we got to pick out some local snacks. Then we stopped to take pictures at a lookout. Next, we went on a short hike. At the top we enjoyed gorgeous views and a cool climate before heading to the heat. Our last stop was lunch and then we had one more hour until our destination. When we arrived at our home for the next couple days we had orientation and then went in the infinity pool with a beautiful view. We headed to dinner where we enjoyed pasta and then went back to our rooms to rest up for our day tomorrow!

We have arrived!

The group has arrived safely in Costa Rica. More updates and pictures coming soon!
