2024 MSE Costa Rica Conservation Expedition

Program Blog

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Blog 6

Written by Keenan and Corbin

We started off the day with breakfast at 8:00. After breakfast we split off into our two groups for activities. One of the groups went to help take care of the butterflies at the pavilion. While the other group helped maintain the trails around the reserve.

The people who did the butterfly pavilion, learned about the multiple different species of butterflies living on the reserve. They also studied all of the different butterfly larvae that they have to study. We all got to release a newly transformed butterflies into the pavilion. This whole experience was super cool and I am super grateful that I got to experience this for myself. Trail mantinance consisted of pouring sand on a trail to prepare for the rainy season, it was hot and sandy. After butterflies and trails we broke for a very tasty lunch. After long nch we want back in the sun, one group planted plants In the butterfly pavilion and the other group looked for bats, to look for bats you need to find droopy leaves that bats live in called tents. After the second round of activities in the heat one group went crocodile hunting. After the hunt everybody went to sleep.

Blog 5

Written by Tori and Raelyn, finished by Keenan and Corbin

We woke up around 6am to go clean a beach located on the reserve. We walked through really thick mud to get to a location that needed to be cleaned. We spilt up into 6 groups of two. While cleaning on the beach we found a lot of cool shells and seeds. It was amazing to see all of the trash that people throw away. Stuff we found came from other countries. We walked back to the Reserva and ate breakfast. We relaxed for an hour or so then headed to our dance class. Dance class was very  exciting. You have no idea what it is like to do the cha cha in 95 degree heat with 90% humidity! After dance we sorted the trash. We separated the trash into multiple categories, things like plastic bottles, caps aluminium, etc. We picked up over 200 pieces of trash! As a celebration of our good work ,we went to the beach. We played In the ocean and drank fresh coconut water from, get this, real coconuts, it was delicious, after the beach we went to sleep to prepare for another big day.

Blog 4

Written by Raelyn and Tori

We woke up around 6am to go clean a beach located on the reserve. We walked through really thick mud to get to a location that needed to be cleaned. We spilt up into 6 groups of two. While cleaning on the beach we found a lot of cool shells and seeds. It was amazing to see all of the trash that people throw away. Stuff we found came from other countries. We walked back to the Reserva and ate breakfast. We relaxed for an hour or so then headed to our dance class.

Blog 3

Writen by Raelyn and Tori

We woke up bright and early to the birds chirping away and walked downstairs for a yummy breakfast then we headed of to a nearby Costa Rican school where we played with the kids and got to help paint the school buildings. We painted for a while, then we ate a snack and played tag with the kids some more. We then went back to the reserva for some lunch and some chill time before our next activity. We were assigned to two groups that we would do some of our activities with. One of the groups went to go watch monkeys, while the other group went to look at the trap cameras and see what kind of animals were living in the wildlife around us. When everyone was back from their adventures we did an egg drop, and one of the two groups went night monitoring with the crocodiles. Then we all went to bed preparing for an early day tomorrow.

Blog 2

Written by CeCe and Isabela

We continued our trek and stopped off at the Nauyaca waterfall to take a swim. We jumped into the pool beneath the pouring water and enjoyed some chicken burritos, with common Costa Rican cookies. We hiked back up to the bus and Omar, the bus driver, drove us to Ojochal. We got to the reserva and learned the rules and objectives of staying there. Laura, the reserva dog, Asda has three puppies, Fluffy, Bullet, and Tina. They got lots of love and Fluffy got adopted by Sara who works at the reserva. We wrapped up our day with some puppy love and riddles and went to bed ready for the next day.

Blog 1

Written by CeCe and Isabela

We drove for a good while and stopped at market and, Sara, our guide got us mangoes with lime and salt on the top; it was really good and savory.  We carried on our travels in the bus and after a little while we stopped again to look at some very cool crocodiles. Then we stopped yet again for a delicious lunch overlooking the beach. Last stop: the farm where we got to learn all about their animals and cool plants.  Some of us milked the cow. We met the son of the farm owners and he showed us all around his cool home. We got and amazing tutorial on how to make authentic empanadas. And had some homemade coffee. Then we walked up to our rainforest bungalows and called it a night.

Photo updates

We’ve been busy but will post a written summary later today. Thanks for your patience!
