2024 Colorado Academy Middle School Quebec Program

Program Blog

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Blog 5: Last, but not least :)

Here it is! Our final day of adventures has come to a close in Montreal, and what a fantastic time we’ve had exploring the city by foot, bike, and subway, immersing ourselves in its architecture, history, and culture. From indulging in delectable cuisine in Chinatown, downtown, and the charming Old Port, every moment has been a delight.

As we gather our belongings and everyone bid farewell to this wonderful city, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our fellow adventurers. Their enthusiasm and camaraderie have truly made this journey unforgettable. We couldn’t have asked for better companions, and we’re filled with pride to have shared this experience with such remarkable global citizens.

May they carry with them cherished memories of their time in Quebec !

Joey M. & Alex R. (Program Leaders)

Blog 4: Montreal, here we come !

Hi everyone,
Canada has been so fun, and we are so sad to leave. Today we traveled to Montreal from Quebec city and in the middle of our trip we visited a maple syrup farm where we learned the process of making maple syrup.
This morning, we had our final French class and got our diploma!!! We had so much fun in Quebec city and are excited for new adventures in Montreal!
– Caroline L. & Remy E.

Blog 3: Donc !!

Bonjour parents,
Today we woke up bright and early for our first day of school! Whether or not we were in the advanced or beginner class, we learned a lot and had so much fun.
After a tasty lunch at PoutineVille, we went on two tours. We went around the National Assembly, the highest level of power in the province (state), then, we went on a tour of the citadel and explored the tunnels and grounds the Canadian soldiers fought on. We had a very interesting presentation by Wyatt who showed us what soldiers would wear when they fought!
Can’t wait to use our newfound french phrases!
Camambert !
– Sophie & Charlotte

Blog 2

We woke up early, ate breakfast and then headed to the waterfall. The waterfall was gorgeous and beautiful. We hiked over it and enjoyed the view. We went down the many stairs to the bus, ready to go to the market. At the market we split up into groups to get various foods for lunch. We had sandwiches, bread, ham, etc. After eating we went to a small chocolate museum and got to try a few samples. After that we had free time to walk around and shop. We reconvened after that and headed to the crêpe dinner place. We are our food and then reflected in our personal journals and headed upstairs. We hung out with others and then went to bed ready to go to French class tomorrow.

-Mike & Ben

Blog 1: Rain, but awesome matching umbrellas !

Dear parents,
This sunday, Colorado Academy students woke up bright and early to enjoy a nice hotel breakfast. Around 9:00, the students set off on a tour to explore Quebec City. Our tour guides took us to see canons, le Château Frontenac, les fortifications de Québec and many other places.
Around noon, it started raining so we stopped in a local Lebanese restaurant. “Le Shawarma était délicieux!” After lunch we ventured off to the civilizations museum. We explored the different exhibits until we decided to go on a shopping trip. Seb and Wyatt got totally awesome matching umbrella’s while the rest of the people spent their money on candy.
We trudged through the rain back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. We ate at a small sandwich place. We ate dinner, played cards and got to eat some ice cream. Finally we went back to the hotel for some well deserved sleep.
– Wyatt S. & Sebastian S.