2024 Bedford Spain Program

Program Blog

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Blog 10

By Alex P

Today we visited Toledo, the City of Three Cultures. We got up early in the morning for a quick breakfast and then quickly departed for Toledo, an ancient city dating back to Roman times that is renowned for its metalworking. We went on a quick bus tour around the outskirts of the city and then went to a sword factory to buy swords, daggers, knives, and other handcrafted jewelry. Then we went to the city center and had free time for lunch and exploring. Afterwards, we left Toledo and went back to the hotel to begin packing. Then, we had a meeting where we wrote letters to our future selves. Shortly after, we left for a great dinner at a restaurant with an amazing view of the city. After a rich and tasty meal, we returned to our hotel to finish packing for the trip back home.

Blog 9

By Jenna D

First full day in Madrid! We started off the morning by eating some delicious breakfast provided by the hotel, which had a lots of options. After breakfast, everyone had a little time to get ready for the day before we met in the lobby to leave. We met with a tour guide, Eloina, who led us to the Prado museum while giving us some information about the city. The line to the prado museum was pretty long, but we filled the time with some ‘friendly’ Madrid vs Barcelona banter. The tour of the museum was very cool with some beautiful artwork and amazing representations. After the tour, we walked to the parque de el retiro and ate our lunches in the sun. Then the fun really began. We were split into groups of four and had to go on an intense scavenger hunt throughout the city looking for different Spanish items. After we returned to the hotel, hung out for a bit, then went to an all you can eat buffet before the much awaited  and very exciting Madrid/Barça game. Overall, it was a super fun day!!

Blog 8

By Jordan H

Today we said goodbye to our host families in Valladolid and took a bus to Madrid. We couldn’t check into the hotel until 3 pm so we took a walking tour around Madrid and saw the Plaza Mayor, and had a big pizza lunch with everyone. In the afternoon we took a flamenco dance class, which was so much fun. It was so cool to learn the basics of a big part of their culture and so much fun too see everyone try something new. After the dance class we were able to settle into our hotels and get ready for a flamenco dance show and dinner at Las Tablas. It was very interesting to watch especially after taking the class, and we were all so impressed.

Blog 7

By Melea J

Today was our last full day with our host families in Valladolid. We started the day going to school for three classes. I had Language, History, and History of Art. What’s different about their school structure compared to ours is that they stay with the same people throughout the whole year. They typically stay in the same classroom and the teachers swap. But there are some classes where we do swap classrooms. After that we all got together and went to the San Joaquim and Santa Ana Museum. We saw a lot of religious sculptures and even some clothing replicas. After that we had some free time and we went to a park to see the peacocks and other animals. That night everyone did different festivities. Some went to a group dinner, went to a discoteca, or just had a chill dinner with their host families. Everyone also packed their items to prepare for our trip to Madrid the next day!

Blog 6

By Claudia D
Hola! Today is our 5th day in Valladolid and it has been a blast so far. We did not go to classes today but we got to go to Burgos! We met up at the school at 8:30 and took about an hour and a half to get to Burgos. Once we got to Burgos we had a little break, I went to get a coffee and a croissant which was delicious! Then we went into the Cathedral and it was so beautiful in there especially the beautiful glass windows. After the Cathedral, we had a tiny break and I got to eat my sandwich. Right after our quick lunch, we went to see the Museum of Human Evolution! There were so many bones that explained so much about evolution! Then we had a little break and went shopping before heading back to the school. Such a fun filled day!

Blog 5

By LeixI W:

Today was a cooler day out but nonetheless an amazing day. We all went to our host students first two classes today and met up during their third block. Hearing the different experiences in each class was fascinating. After we ate some food, we walked over to the national museum of sculptures. Before even entering, we were treated with a gorgeous entryway with many different carvings. Many of the sculptures date back to the 18th and even 13th century. The building was once a boarding school until 1842. The building has become very modernized while still preserving history. It was an incredibly site to see. After all that it was finally siesta! We all enjoyed our rest until about 5. We met up with some others in plaza de mayor, celebrated Keagan’s birthday and went shopping in smaller groups. Valladolid is very beautiful and it was amazing to get a closer look on our own!

Blog 4

By Ethan S:
Today we met up outside the school and boarded a bus to Segovia! As we rode into the beautiful city, we saw the great Roman aqueduct! We were dropped off right in front of the piece of ancient history and it absolutely took our breath away. It was truly amazing to see such amazing architecture preserved for so long. After some group photos, we took a tour of the city, explored a CASTLE, and then broke up to do some individual shopping and exploring! We got some ice cream, unique souvenirs, and delicious food and drinks! At 3:30, we met back at the aqueduct and boarded the bus and drove to a very large garden, with fountains that can shoot 50 meters in the air with just the force of gravity! No machines used at all! The garden was such a unique experience that we are so glad to have. Walking around the city and garden of Segovia with our close friends was such a fantastic experience, and I loved seeing all the beautiful architecture and history around the city!

Blog 3

By Bailey M: Today was our first school day. I woke up and had crepes and coffee with my family. We walked to school with some of my host students friends. After going to a class we got to have churros and chocolate with BHS students. Spending time with the BHS group was really special because we could catch up. We got to walk around on a tour of Valladolid for about 2 hours, seeing the pretty views and even bought some Spanish candy!

Blog 2

Written by Elizabeth D
Saturday night and Sunday was time with host families, so we all spent the today in slightly different ways. Some students went to a soccer game, others to see a castle and others to visit nearby cities. Here are some snip-it’s from students:

Addy B went on a tapas crawl: Ayer, andamos sobre la plaza, tenemos tapas con popcorn y fanta, entonces andamos más y tenemos bocadillos por cena.

Sunday I went with Ana to volunteer at Fundación Personas for people with disabilities to play basketball. After we ate a large lunch of 5 dishes family style, had a Siesta, then she took me walking around la Parque de la Moreras to an heladería.  After we went to a party and saw people  dance flamenco– i learned some!  And also played a spanish card game with 2 very nice gentlemen there. Dinner was fish, lots of bones but sooo good
Julia S shares …As soon as we arrived, I got to meet my host family and began to settle in to their apartment. We went out into the main part of the city and met up with another student and their host at a restaurant. They helped us order sandwiches. After we got a tour of the central plaza, we went to a discoteca. We sung and danced for hours. It was incredible to meet a bunch of new people and traditions about their culture.

Blog 1: First day in Spain!

Written by Elizabeth D

After a true international travel day we arrived in Valladolid! The ride from Madrid to Valladolid was beautiful. We passed by the mountains separating Madrid from Segovia, through flowering fields of soy, and were always surrounded by views of farmland and ‘pine tree land’ (these pine trees are different from ours and have a giant mushroom shape). We were equally awed entering Valladolid. We immediately noticed how walkable it is and want to explore the park that runs along the river.  As we got off the bus, we were nervous and excited to meet our host siblings in person, but one by one we left with our host families. Everyone is looking forward to finding out what they have planned for us this weekend. Hopefully we all get to explore this beautiful city of Valladolid!
