2023 Teton Science Schools Costa Rica Expedition

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Day 9:. The plot

Written by Will

Today was definitely my favorite day of the trip. There was a good bit of drive time however the rafting was definitely one of the coolest experiences. We got to see an awesome part of Costa Rica and it beautiful wildlife. My raft specifically had a pretty cool moment when our raft fully flipped over. One moment we were paddling up to a rapid and then time slowed down as I saw Cody and Jon who were to my left flip to below me. Then the raft pushed me under water. I flipped around and grabbed the raft and I remember jumping away from the raft. Next moment Campbell was to my right and we were wonder where Cody went. Cody was fine as Willis immediately saved him. I then told Campbell to look out as a raft ran over him and sent into rock in an attempt to get out of the water. Soon Campbell and I were picked up by a raft and every one was fine. At the end of the day it was a good laugh and a moment I will always remember. After words we got lunch and then got on the bus for our last long bus drive. At the end of the day as it was the last day we said our goodbyes to Fabian and Ronnie and thanked them for the trip. It was a great last day for the awesome collection of experiences.

Day 8: A beach day. 

Written by Alden R.
Today we woke up bright and early to catch our 6:30 boat ride out of research camp. We arrived at the bus and headed about 2 hours towards another part of the Costa Rican coast. We spent a few hours at the beach and then got a tasty lunch before doing some more swimming. The water was the perfect temperature and was very refreshing after a few very hot days at the research camp. We then went back to the hotel and hung out for a little while before going into town for dinner. We ate for an hour or so and then took a walk around the area to look at some local shops. After that we headed back to the hotel again and it was time for bed. Another great day!

Day 7: A day in the life of a researcher.

Written by Jon B.
I began this morning guarding the hatchery at around 2 am. As time passed, the light began to return from the night before. The sun as it rose in all its glory showed us the beauty of the Carribean Sea. This was the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. As the day continued, the group felt more and more tired as we had all served our nightly duties with limited rest. Despite the sleepiness, it was peaceful. After another breakfast of rice and beans we began our next daily activities. We recapped the events of the night before where two turtles were seen.  This was followed by many naps in hammocks and uncomfortable positions. We then had another lunch consisting of noodles and beans. After lunch, the head biologist, Fabian, taught us all we needed to know about sea turtles in this strange world. Many of us then took another much needed nap. The biologist then showed us the result of a contaminated nest which resulted in us seeing many dead turtle eggs. As we arrive to dinner, I am excited to patrol the beaches yet again after another meal consisting of more rice and beans. This is a day in the life of a researcher.

Day 6: In the way to the Rainforest

Writing by Oliver J.

Today, we left La Fortuna and headed to Pacuare Research Station. To get here, we spent 5 hours on the bus and took a 40-minute boat ride through the river. On the way to the station, we saw a Three toed sloth and some Howlers monkeys. Once we made it to the Research Station, we were greeted by the researchers and some fruits bats in our room , we learned the bats are very important to have the ecosystem in a good balance.

After settling in, we learned about the area and got a trained and information about the activities we will be doing tonight to help the sea turtles. The training consisted of patrolling the beach, digging the turtle egg nests, and patrolling the hatchery.

I am so excited to go out and try to find a sea turtle.

Day 5: Time to say goodbye 

Written by Cameryn C. 

Today we said goodbye to our host families and Pueblo Nuevo, and headed on to La Fortuna. During the bus ride we got a flat tire and watched Will Robinson help save the day with his immense auto knowledge. Once we made it to La Fortuna we had some time to explore and do some souvenir shopping. After that we went zip lining in the forest canopy! We were all a little scared but ended up having a lot of fun and saw some amazing views. We even got to do a Tarzan jump. We ended the zip lining by getting to hold kittens. To end the day the group visited hot springs under the volcano. There was some really fast water slides, and lots of different amazing spots to hang out at and enjoy the atmosphere. 10/10 would recommend!

Day 4: Cleaning day

Written by Cody O.

We are starting to get used to the climate. Today we woke up at the same time and ate a delicious breakfast of beans, rice, egg, ham, and sausage, accompanied by an amazing cup of coffee. We then walked to the plaza to begin our service work. Today we cleaned up the park and playground. I got sprayed with water a few time which was quite refreshing. Then my family, Oliver, and I left early to go on a hike. We drove for about 30 minutes then got out and started our hike. They told us it was 1km but I think that they lied to us. We were hiking for around 5 hours nonstop. This being said it was an incredible sight. We saw three waterfalls. 10 out of 10 would do again.

Day two arrives at Pueblo Nuevo.

Writing by Willis W.

We woke up early on Saturday Morning and ate breakfast. We moved wood from a storage room to an outside area. After that we ate a yummy lunch and played soccer and hackysack. Next we got put into our family groups Campbell and I(Willis), Jacob and Alden, Will and Jon, Cody and Oliver, Ella and Grace, and lastly Camyrin and Taylor. We got our family groups and socialized with them before playing games with some of the group before eating dinner and going to bed early.

Working hard

Writing by Grace R.

Today we completed our first full day in La Pueblo Nuevo. We woke up in our host family homes and ate breakfast with them before heading to complete our service. We began by finishing cleaning the shed and began making concrete for the floor of the shed. Our host families brought us lunch before finishing up the floor of the shed. We then finished our service for the day and spent time with our host families.

Day 1: Arriving to Costa Rica

Writing by Campbell G.

For the first day in Costa Rica, the group flew internationally from Jackson Hole, Wyoming to San Jose, Costa Rica. The flights themselves were not too long although myself (Campbell) had the middle seat for the longest two flights. Many students slept in weird positions during the flight (We have some photos). Once we arrived in Costa Rica we had to get past the fruit dog, which sadly got an apple and some grapes. We met our guide Fabian, Fabi for short and headed to la Rosa de America for our first night. We had a classic Costa Rican meal of rice, beans and chicken. Some students went swimming while others headed to bed. This wrapped up day one!
