2022 Ida B. Wells Spain Cultural Journey

Program Blog

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Blog 5

We began the day at the hostel in Orio. Breakfast consisted of bread, yogurt, cheese, and fresh, locally-grown fruit. We then began the next part of our journey on El Camino de Santiago. Much of the route was along the ocean, so the day featured countless breathtaking views.

We first hiked to the town of Zarautz, where we enjoyed lunch. Our next stop was was Getaria. The town was festive and bustling with activity, so we took awhile to explore. Activities included visiting shops, and enjoying the music of a local Spanish-reggae band.

From Getaria we continued to Zumaia, where we checked into our hotel, and took a little time to decompress. Later in the evening, we dined at a phenomena l restaurant. Our meal was pintxos, and consisted of a variety of plates including, asparagus, bistec, and even octopus. One of the salads also included locally grown tomatoes, which were some of the best I had ever eaten.
After dinner we returned to our hotel to get some rest and prepare for our final day of the Camino. All in all, I felt the day was one of the most fun ones so far!

Blog 4: Friday, June 24

Today was jam packed with adventure and fun!

We started out with a bike tour of San Sebastián. Three separate groups pedaled around the city, each with its own charismatic Basque guide. We stopped periodically to take in the stunning views and to learn a bit of the history of San Sebastián. The bikes were equipped with electric gear assists, but some of our bike pros insisted on pure leg power (looking at you, Fiona and Lauren!)

We ended the tour at a professional Basque Pelota (Handball) court where we received a quick lesson on how to play. We played a fun elimination game (congrats to Sylvie and Amelie, the Pelota champions!) and then returned to the city center on our bikes.

Afterwards, we had a long lunch and rested for a bit before heading to La Playa de La Concha for a sea kayaking tour around the bay. Alberto, our guide, helped us navigate and paddle through the beautiful, clear water to a nearby island where we all jumped out of our boats and swam for a bit. After paddling back to the beach, everyone agreed, we needed more beach time, so we hung out at playa de La Concha for another hour to swim and relax in the sun. Smiles abounded and the looks of joy on everyone’s faces absolutely filled my heart!
We headed back to the hostel for dinner, did some laundry and packed up for another big day in the Basque Country.

Blog 3

Written by Karli
Today was our first full day in San Sebastián! After a delicious breakfast of toast, juice and coffee we prepared for our first day on El Camino! After a short bus ride with beautiful views we got off in Donibane, a town in the Basque country, where we walked around and learned about the history of the area and it’s people! After taking a short boat ride across the port of Pasaia we started our journey! For the first leg of El Camino we hiked 6 miles which included many stairs and lots of rigorous terrain! During the adventure we walked along the coast of Spain and experienced some once in a life time views! With a few wrong turns and a couple falls we made it to downtown San Sebastián where we enjoyed some much needed food and water!

Blog 2

Written by Amy

¡Saludos de San Sebastián!

Yesterday was a big travel day that included a ride on the Barcelona metro, two train rides through the exquisite Spanish countryside and a bus ride to our peaceful hostel on a hill in San Sebastián.
After a leisurely walk around town and a short visit to the beach, we stopped to eat at a typical Basque Country Pinxtos restaurant where we sampled an impressive array of traditional plates from this region. The food was incredible, beautiful and clearly served with love and pride. Our group filled the little restaurant and we enjoyed a relaxed meal of shared small plates in true Spanish style.
After dinner, we found a fun park in the center of the city and everyone got out their last bit of energy after our very full, adventurous travel day. Spirits were high and everyone happily returned to their bunks to get some rest, looking forward to beginning our journey on the Camino De Santiago!

Blog 1

Written by Amy

¡Saludos de Barcelona!

We arrived in the heart of this incredible city after a memorable flight through Canada. The group is tired but in good spirits and resting after a short walk around downtown and an authentic paella lunch.  This evening we’ll make our way to visit La Sagrada Familia, stop for some churros and chocolate, then return to the hostel for a much needed night of horizontal sleep. This trip marks the first international travel experience for many students in our group.  We’ve had good talks about working through homesickness, respecting cultural differences and being comfortable trying new things. I’m so proud of this whole group for having the courage to step out of their comfort zones and support each other in such kind and empathetic ways.

¡Mañana a San Sebastián!
